Monday, December 17, 2018

Reaction 3

Not so long ago Professor Keener talked to the class about his journey through photography and how he ended up as a teacher. I found everything that Professor Keener had to say very interesting. I like how he never stopped trying, he knew photography was what he wanted to do, so that was what he did. And he never let anyone tell him that was a bad idea. After his talk i started thinking about if i was doing the right thing. Currently, i am part time at school trying to get my associates degree as a back up plan. I am a full time hair dresser. Hair is what i want to do. But the more i do photography, the more i think about wanted that to be my full time job. I don't know im supposed to be in life right now, but professor Keener's talk made me realize that thats okay, because everything is going to work out the way its suppose to. I am really happy that I got to hear professor Keener talk about his journey, it really opened my eyes.

Reaction 2

A couple of classes ago, Professor Cyr talked to the class about his journey and how he ended up where he is today. I really enjoyed all of the talks that we has this semester because it showed me how broad photography really is. And how nothing is stoping us from achieving our dreams. Entering college, Professor Cyr wasn't totally sure what kind of art he wanted to do, so he started by majoring in the arts. It was a little while after he started college that he started to lean towards photography. After college, Professor Cyr went on to work under photographers as a printer. He thought he was going to spend his career printing. Until the world took a turn, and digital photography became more and more popular. This is when he started his project on developer trays. I thought this was awesome. I loved he idea of traveling around the world photographer different photographer's developer trays and composing then into one book. A developer tray is something that as photographers, we used to see everyday, and not think much of. So the fact that he took such a simple thing and made it so interesting I think is so cool. Overall, I learned from Professor Cyr's talk that no matter what life throws my way, to never give up on my dreams. Because one day the stars will align and i will end up exactly where i'm supposed to be.

Reaction 1

A little while ago in class, we got to see a panel of SCCC alumni. I thought this was very interesting because everyone on that panel was at a different point in their life and all doing different things. But that all had one thing in common, and that was that they all took photography at SCCC. I liked this a lot because it reassured me that there is no right or wrong way to go about living my life. I can get my associates in photography, and continue onto a four year college and get a degree and continue by getting a full time job as a photographer. Or I can get my associates, and continue working full time as a hairdresser and have a part time job as a photographer by opening my own business. I really enjoyed what each person on the panel had to say. It was really interesting to hear all of the different paths they took within photography, such as fine art photography, or teaching, or one of them even went to art installations instead which i thought was awesome. Overall, I am very grateful for the opportunity to have these kinds of interactions at SCCC.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

I am doing my final project/Portfolio on mirrors. It's not done yet, but I figured id give you all a sneak peek! This photo is my favorite so far out of the ones I've taken for this project.

Monday, December 3, 2018


This photo I took for an assignment in my digital photography class. For this assignment we were asked to photograph one model in a way that the background was plain and the main subject was the model. This was hard for me because I didn't want her to just smile, but I didn't know what I wanted her to do, so I started playing around with the way her hair was laying on her face, and this is was I ended up with and I am very happy with it.

Monday, November 26, 2018

This is a photo i took of my dog riley. I really like how i was able to capture her with the background blurred. I was able to do this with a shallow depth of field. I also like how she is definitely focused on something but we as the viewer don't know what it is. I like how it leaves you thinking.

Monday, November 19, 2018

rain blobs

This is a photo of rain on my window from inside my car, i like how you cant tell exactly what it is when you first look at it. I also love the random blobs of colors that you can't quite make out.